We’re your workplace safety partner 

If you’re in charge of workplace health and safety, our customizable training 
programs and educational resources make your job easier.

Let us help you build your employee safety training program

Whether you’re a dedicated safety officer or oversee job safety training as part of your role, our certified safety experts can fill in the gaps or provide a complete program to meet your needs.

Meet our safety and risk experts

Michelle Allegra

Vice President Risk Management

Associate Risk Management

Safety Management Specialist

Mary Lynn Bartholomew

Regional Vice President

Manufacturing & Logistics

10-hour Cal/OSHA Training

We're here to support your safety training needs.
Contact us today to learn more.

Please fill out the below form, and one of our safety experts will contact you promptly.

Resource library

Need to provide new employees with safety training in the workplace or address specific safety topics with your team? Our resource library makes it easy to find what you need. 


Tailgate/Toolbox Talks

Access important safety topics to keep your teams informed.  



Download safety posters to accompany your monthly safety topics.



Find useful Cal/OSHA information to improve your safety program. 

training offerings

Training Offerings

Additional offerings to enhance your current programs.

Meet our safety and risk experts

Michelle Allegra

Vice President Risk Management

Associate Risk Management

Safety Management Specialist

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Bartholomew

Regional Vice President

Manufacturing & Logistics

10-hour Cal/OSHA Training

We're here to support your safety training
needs. Contact us today to learn more.

Please fill out the below form, and one of our safety experts will contact you promptly.